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Safe Loading


Safe loading is an essential part of operating any vehicle on the highway.  The driver has the legal responsibility fo the vehicle regardless whether they are the owner or operator of the vehicle.  In 2013 there were over 22,000 road impact incidents caused by objects falling from vehicles.  This took on average 20 minutes to deal with each one, resulting in the closure of either a single lane or the full carriageway.


Operators and drivers must take sufficient measures to prevent load movement during transport.


Firstly, the type of vehicle must be appropriate for the load transported.


The load should be stacked against the headboard, with its centre of gravity as low as possible.  If the load is not stable by itself, consider how it could be supported - in a box, stillage or transport frame.  If the load is not against the headboard, consider other ways to stop the load moving forwards.  You may need extra lashings, sails, chocks or blocking.  The headboard is critical to load securing and should form part of the daily vehicle check.


The Government have published an excellent resource on load security - Safety of Loads on Vehicles (Third Edition).  




Safety of loads on vehicles: code of practice ( 


The Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986 state that ‘…the weight, distribution, packing and adjustment of the load of such vehicle or trailer shall at all times be such, that no danger is caused or is likely to be caused to any person in or on the vehicle or trailer or on a road.’


A load must be secured to a vehicle to ensure it prevents 100% forward, 50% sideways and 50% rearwards movement.






























Frequently Asked: Internal Cargo Straps on Curtain Sided Trailers


DVSA say you can use internally fitted straps hanging from the rails of a curtain-sided vehicle to secure a combined load and pallet of no more than 400kg in weight. The ideal solution is one strap across two pallets from rave to rave of the bed of the vehicle. You may need more straps if there are not enough fitted to the vehicle or trailer.  However, if DVSA deem the measures to be insufficient, delayed or immediate prohibitions may be issued.  As this is a dynamic situation, specific guidance cannot be offered other than use rail straps with extreme caution, and as far as possible, avoid using them.  If the load is light or crushable, consider using a transport frame of some sort.




Vehicle stability


The transport industry and the loads carried are extremely diverse, so it’s very difficult to provide generic guidance on load securing that covers everything.

Many sectors of the industry have specific problems which require bespoke solutions to follow the DfT and EC guidelines.


DfT and EC guides


The DfT and EC guides do cover the vast majority of situations that you’re likely to come across. They also include information on:

  • the impact of the coefficient of friction (COF)

  • how different materials move in relation to each other

  • the number of straps required to overcome the effect of different COF values


What vehicle loading affects


How a vehicle is loaded can significantly affect:

  • its handling on the road

  • the likelihood of the load moving or becoming unstable during the journey

It’s important to think about load distribution and load stability at the planning stage.


Centre of gravity


The centre of gravity of a loaded goods vehicle tends to be much higher than that of a passenger car. This makes a goods vehicle more likely to roll over than a car at the same speed.

Single items with a high centre of gravity (like large plant equipment) should be transported on low loaders to minimise the unbalancing effect.


Loads that move from side to side


Loads that are free to move from side to side within a vehicle can result in serious stability issues, even if the load is contained within the vehicle body.

The movement of live loads (like bagged sand or aggregate, hanging clothes or meat) can result in a ‘pendulum’ effect that quickly leads to vehicle rollover.


1. Rollcages


Rollcages can cause particular problems if they are not secured.


There have been instances where cages have:

  • rolled forward and punched through the headboard

  • rolled backwards when the driver opens the rear doors for unloading


2. Light palletised goods


Pallets are widely used to carry all manner of goods, mainly because they are a safe and convenient way to store and move goods around via fork lift trucks.


Individual laden pallets are referred to as:

  • ‘light pallets’ if they weigh up to 400kg

  • ‘heavy pallets’ if they weight over 400kg


The goods on the pallets are often shrink-wrapped to restrict movement during transit. However, this wrapping does not provide any load securing.


Palletised loads must be stable and freestanding before any load securing is applied. Make sure goods are shrink-wrapped or banded to the pallet they’re transported on. Otherwise, they could slide or topple off the pallet in transit or during unloading. Make sure that the unit load remains in a secure and stable condition at all times.


Transporting light palletised goods in curtained-sided vehicles


When deciding how to transport light palletised goods in curtain-sided vehicles, you should:

  • think carefully about the most appropriate securing method for the load

  • carry out a risk assessment that takes account of:

    • whether the load can be carried in a different body type

    • possible alternate securing methods that do not crush/damage the load

    • the risks of working at height when securing the load compared to the likely risks due to the load moving

You need to secure the load to reduce the risk of harm as far as is reasonably practicable.


Stacked light palletised goods


Stacked light palletised goods need to be secured in the same way as palletised goods over 400kg.

The best way is to use over-the-top lashings secured to the vehicle chassis or rave-to-rave.

Securing some products may present additional challenges, particularly if they’re susceptible to strap damage.


Light pallets on double-deck trailers


On double-deck trailers with inner curtains, light pallets should be carried on the top deck with heavier pallets or goods secured on the lower deck using over-the-top lashings.


Centre of gravity


Irrespective of the weight of a pallet, you should consider the centre of gravity.

Pallets with a high centre of gravity need extra strapping because of the potential for the load to be unstable, which increases the likelihood of movement during transit.


Loose items


Loose items (such as single pallets, pump trucks or chains) on flat beds need to be secured by other methods, as the internal strapping system or curtains will have no effect.


‘Load hugging’ curtains


Inner curtains tapered at the roof of the trailer are known as ‘load hugging’ curtains. These are used by some industries to secure the loads carried.


There will also be an outer curtain on these vehicles for weather protection as the inner curtains are constructed of nets and securing straps.


These vehicles and trailers are commonly found in the drinks industry and are covered extensively in the Logistics UK guidance document.


3. Roll cages


Roll cages are frequently used to carry goods in all types of vehicles. These are becoming increasingly popular because they:

  • make it easier to move goods around

  • offer an element of security above that provided by pallets


Once loaded onto the vehicle they need securing to stop them from moving. This is often done using securing bars, lashings or other suitable methods.


Insecure roll cages can move around freely inside a vehicle load area. This can:

  • have a significant impact on the vehicle’s stability

  • damage the goods


This is a particular problem with partially loaded vehicles and presents further problems when unloading. You should take appropriate steps to stop movement of the roll cages to the side, front and particularly to rear.


To prevent goods being damaged care should be taken to stack products within the footprint of the cage. Damaging the goods can lead to the loads becoming loose and causing further problems when off loading.


4. Crushable loads


Goods that could be damaged by rave-to-rave over-the-top lashings can be protected by using:

  • corner boards

  • edge protectors

  • wide strapping systems


These spread the load to allow the load to be secured to the vehicle bed.


Crushable loads could need extra protection (like shrink-wrap or other packaging) to be protected enough to be transported. Netting systems (with straps interwoven through the netting) can be used for these loads.


Other methods or other vehicle types may need to be considered for crushable loads.


5. Lightweight and fragile loads


There are some loads which are very unlikely to cause any load securing problems while in transit in curtain side vehicles, for example small amounts of polystyrene insulation.


It’s still important that the load is stopped from moving due to the danger to the person responsible for unloading the vehicle.


You might not be able to use traditional lashings because of the damage they would cause. However, internal straps may retain the load sufficiently dependant on the size of the objects.


You could also use some sort of internal frame or roll cage to provide the necessary securing. Make sure the frame itself is secure if you use this method.


6. Multi-drop or collection (diminishing loads)


The DfT code of practice requires 50% of the load to be secured to prevent rearward and sideways movement.


When an entire load is delivered in one drop using the appropriate securing, it’s quite straight forward. However, this becomes more difficult for vehicles involved in multi-drops or carrying diminishing loads.


Multi-site deliveries can cause issues with responsibility for the safety of the load.


Plan for the diminishing load


Diminishing loads should be accounted for at the planning stage.

You should develop a clear system of work and communicate it to all parties so there’s no misunderstanding about what should be done at each delivery.


Having enough appropriate securing


Dependant upon the type of vehicle used, parts of the load will either be removed from:

  • the side when using curtain-sided vehicles

  • the rear with rigid-sided vehicles

  • both from a flat bed

So it’s important that the driver has enough appropriate securing with them to be able to fix the problems caused by diminishing loads.


Load the vehicle correctly


The whole process can be made much easier if the vehicle is loaded correctly in the first place.

If the load is removed in a hap-hazard way, gaps may appear that could be detrimental to effectiveness of the load securing system. If this happens, the driver might find it easier to use dunnage or blocking to fill the gaps, and keep the integrity of the original security.


Reload the vehicle


The other way to keep safe would be to reload the vehicle and reapply the chosen securing.

This shows why it’s important to plan properly, load the vehicle correctly and make sure the driver has enough load securing equipment.


Diminishing load from the rear


A diminishing load from the rear causes extra problems, as the rear of the trailer will not provide any security once the rearmost part of the load has been removed.


Loads can be secured by cross over straps, kites or sails to comply with the 50% requirement. The strapping needs to be maintained as the load diminishes or an intermediate bulkhead could be used.


Watch out for overloading


Drivers should be wary about axle overloads when removing large portions of the load from either the front or the rear. The remaining load may well need re-distribution to avoid these situations.


7. Bulk loads carried loose


You should carry loads like wood chippings, pellets and grain in solid-sided vehicles and curtain-sided vehicles specifically adapted for that use. These vehicles have additional strapping and covering to secure the load within the vehicle.


The likelihood of such items becoming insecure is unlikely if carried in a covered secure containing trailer.


Grain carriers and vehicles servicing the wood processing industry will have this type of vehicle. Most will have a blowing system fitted to the vehicle to load and unload the vehicle contents into a storage unit.


Standard curtain-sided trailers should not be used for this kind of load.


8. Equipment carried on vehicles


Equipment carried on vehicles (like Hiabs, fork lift trucks and pallet pump trucks) should be properly secured when not in use.


Lorry-mounted cranes (Hiabs)


Hiabs should be deactivated and correctly seated and not used as part of the load securing system.


Pallet pump trucks


Pallet pump trucks should be secured in the same way as the rest of a vehicles load, for example with lashings or other suitable methods.


Lorry-mounted fork list truck


Lorry-mounted fork lift trucks (often called ‘moffetts’) should be secured using the manufacture’s recommended instructions.


9. Skips


Empty or loaded skips can be carried on either:

  • dedicated skip lorries

  • flatbed vehicles


It’s recommended that skips are carried on skip lorries wherever possible, as it can be very difficult to adequately secure a skip on a flatbed vehicle.


Loaded or partly-loaded skips


Loaded or partly-loaded skips should not be stacked on top of each other for transport, even on a dedicated skip lorry.


The lower skip does not provide a stable base and there is a risk of the upper skip/skips moving under sudden braking, or falling from the side of the vehicle under a combined steering and braking manoeuvre (for example, swerving to avoid another road user).


Lifting arms


The chain or beam connecting the hydraulic lifting arms on skip lorries should not be used to secure empty or laden skips.


Using the lifting arms for load restraint can lead to fatigue causing cracking in the lifting arms.


These cracks can grow very slowly and be difficult to detect. Eventually the crack will grow to the extent that there’s no longer enough strength in the arm to hold the weight of a skip, and sudden unexpected failure of the lifting arm may occur.


The lifting arm should be inspected every 12 months by a competent person in order to comply with the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER).


There is an exception to this rule when the operator can demonstrate, through independent testing, that the connecting beam can secure up to two laden skips. These tests have shown that the hydraulic rams push the connecting bar down onto the top skip providing sufficient pressure to secure the load.


DVSA will accept this as providing acceptable security when these conditions are met:

  • the lifting equipment is in good condition and tested to LOLER regulations

  • there’s a connecting beam between the two lifting arms and it’s in contact with the top skip at both sides

  • the bottom of the top skip is at least 100 millimetres below the top of the bottom skip

  • loose loads are sheeted or covered properly

  • if skips are carried in a line, then loaded skips are only at the rear of the vehicle where the hydraulic lifting arms and beams secure the load

  • you can produce evidence at the roadside that the vehicle has been tested at TRL (Transport Research Laboratory) or a similar facility

  • the chains used to lift the skips are attached for extra security


10. Flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBCs)


FIBCs, sacks and other bulk bags can become unstable during transport due to the loads settling. This could put the driver or anyone else unloading the vehicle at risk.


The most appropriate vehicle for this type of load would be a rigid-sided vehicle with securing supplemented by lashings.


Drop-side vehicles


When using drop-side vehicles, make sure the tail boards, hinges and any fastening mechanisms are in good condition.


You might also need to consider additional security if the load is higher than the side of the vehicle. Also consider using tarpaulins to prevent any loose loads being blown from the FIBCs.


Flat bed vehicles


These loads should be loaded to the headboard if they’re carried on flat bed vehicles. To stop movement to the side, use lashing straps with edging strips or some other method to disperse the pressure from the strap onto the load.


Tarpaulins rated for load securing with inter woven rated straps can also be used to provide effective security. Due to the nature of the load it is good practice to check for movement during a journey.


Curtained-sided vehicles


FIBCs carried in curtain-sided vehicle present similar problems and should be secured in the same way.


Other load securing solutions are also available which would be effective for FIBC such as wide straps suspended on bungee cord.


Open or unsealed FIBCs


You may need to put extra sheeting or tarpaulin over the top of the load to stop products from escaping the FIBC if they’re not sealed or closed.


Roping and sheeting


Roping and sheeting, used correctly, and using equipment in good condition, can be an effective way of securing FIBCs to meet the requirements of UK and European standards.


DVSA recommends that you use rope and sheets that have been strength tested and rated. This is so you can easily prove that the load is secured to enforcement authorities at the roadside.


The sheet should also fully contain the load, rather than resting on top of it.


Damaged or torn sheets, and frayed or worn ropes, should be replaced or repaired.


Intermediate bulk containers (IBCs)


Secure IBCs to the load bed. Use at least one over-the-top lashing from the vehicle’s chassis or rave-to-rave lashing.


Make sure the lashing straps are placed across the strongest point of the frame. This will avoid crushing the frame and potentially damaging the container.


Check the Chemical Business Association’s guidance for more information about securing hazardous goods IBCs.



Publications - Chemical Business Association


11. Vehicle transporters


You can move vehicles and plant equipment on specialised vehicles like:

  • car transporters

  • flatbed vehicles

  • low loaders


Moving cars and light vans up to 3,500kg on car transporters


Vehicles carried on car transporters should face forward, unless the loading scheme says otherwise.


Their weight should be distributed evenly across the width of the vehicle so the driver has enough space to work safely on either side.


Their centre of gravity should be over the lengthwise centre line of the transporter.


When loading, follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. The parking brake should always be on after a vehicle’s loaded.


Car transporters have a high centre of gravity compared to many other types of goods vehicles. To reduce the risk of rollover, the heavier vehicles should be on the lower deck.


Use extra securing to prevent movement in transit. Securing is generally achieved through a mixture of blocking/chocking and webbing lashings.


The number of chocks and lashings used depends on the load. But as a general guide, there should be three points of contact between the vehicle and the transporter


Vehicle on flat deck:  2 wheels secured by lashings, preferably diagonally opposite, plus one chock or lashing on a third wheel of each vehicle

Vehicle on angled deck: 3 wheels secured, 2 with lashings and one with chocks, or 3 with lashings

First and last vehicles on decks: 4 wheels secured by lashings on vehicles loaded at the front and rear


If it’s impractical to use chocks for some vehicles on a transporter, an extra wheel can be secured with a lashing strap.


Regularly inspect the check plate for wear and tear.


Some vehicle manufacturers recommend that each wheel should be attached. You should follow this advice.


Lashings used to secure vehicles should be:

  • manufactured to the BS EN 12195-2 Standard

  • be rated for at least 1,500 daN

  • in a serviceable condition without obvious defects that would affect the strength of the lashing


Lashings should ideally pass over the wheel lengthways to hold the wheel down to the load bed.


The lashings should be attached to either dedicated attachment points or to dedicated attachment eyes fitted to the transporter or floor attachment points, as long they’re in a serviceable condition. Ratchets should be closed and locked.


If you use wheel chocks, they should be placed so that they aid load security by securing against:

  • the braking force on a flat deck

  • gravity on an angled deck


Cars and light vans up to 3,500kg transported on flatbed or curtain-sided trailers


Flatbed trailers do not have a superstructure to stop unintended load movement. Because of this more securing is needed.

Load vehicles as close to the headboard as possible, with the parking brake on.


Vehicle on standard flatbed:  All 4 wheels secured with lashings or wheel tethers

Vehicle on recovery transporter trailer: All 4 wheels secured with lashings or wheel tethers. If there is a winch cable it should be attached, but it is not part of the securing system.


If the design of the transporting vehicle makes it difficult to secure the wheels, use extra lashings.


Stacked scrap vehicles should be stable without lashings.


To stop the webbing being damaged by sharp edges, use webbing sleeves or something similar to protect any lashings passing over the stack.


Lashings used to secure vehicles should be:

  • manufactured to the BS EN 12195-2 Standard

  • rated for at least 1,500 daN

  • in good condition without obvious defects that would affect their strength


The superstructure and curtains of a standard curtain-sided trailer are not enough to provide load restraint for a vehicle.


The vehicle must be secured as if it was being transported on a flatbed trailer.


A trailer constructed to the BS EN 12642-XL standard may provide some containment. But an XL trailer alone is not enough to prevent load movement. The reinforced body structure should be thought of as an extra safety measure rather than part of the load securing system.


Vehicles should be loaded as close to the headboard as possible - with the parking brake on - and chocked and lashed.


Transporting vehicles over 3,500 kg on car transporters


Generally, there should be four points of contact between the vehicle and the transporter, consisting of either:

  • 2 chocks and 2 lashing straps - preferably on diagonally opposing wheels

  • one chock and 3 lashing straps

  • 4 lashing straps, one on each wheel


Transporting vehicles over 3,500 kg on flatbed trailers


Ideally, vehicles over 3, 500 kg should be moved on low loader trailers so that the centre of gravity is as low as possible.


A high centre of gravity can affect the stability of the transporting vehicle and increase the risk of rollover or loss of control.


There must be four points of contact between the vehicle and the trailer, in the form of lashing straps on each wheel, plus at least two chocks or other physical barrier to movement.


Damaged vehicles being recovered may need to be secured with chains, direct lashings, or lashings attached to structural parts of the chassis.


Vehicles should be loaded to the headboard with the parking brake on and the vehicle left in gear if possible.


Heavy goods vehicles


Ideally, tractor units and trailers should be moved on low loaders so that the centre of gravity is kept as low as possible.


This helps to reduce the risk of rollover or loss of control.


Secure vehicles using a lashing system to prevent unintended movement. Chains are preferable.


The parking brake must be on, and the wheels chocked or otherwise prevented from movement, for example by placing the vehicle up against the swan neck or other bulkhead.


Vehicles should be lashed using direct lashing. This means, one attached to the vehicle, and the other to the transporting low loader or flatbed.


There should be at least four lashings, secured as part of two opposing pairs. The angle of the straps or chains relative to the load bed should be as close to horizontal as possible.


Extra frictional lashing - up and over the load - using webbing straps can be used to increase the safety of the load.


If the vehicle has attachment points, use these for load securing. Also, attach lashings to rated attachment points on the low loader or flatbed load bed wherever possible.


Lashings should not be attached to sheeting hooks, as these are not strong enough to withstand the required forces.


If more than one trailer is carried by piggy-back, each trailer should be lashed to the trailer it’s carried on, and then to the transporting vehicle.


Plant equipment


Heavy-wheeled plant should ideally be moved on low loaders so that the centre of gravity is kept as low as possible. This helps to reduce the risk of rollover or loss of control.


Secure vehicles using a lashing system to prevent unintended movement. Chains are preferable.


There should be at least four lashings, secured as part of two opposing pairs. The angle of the straps or chains relative to the load bed should be as close to horizontal as possible.


Extra frictional lashing - up and over the load - using webbing straps can be used to increase the safety of the load.


If the vehicle has attachment points, use these for load securing. Also, attach lashings to rated attachment points on the low loader or flatbed load bed wherever possible.


Lashings should not be attached to sheeting hooks, as these are not strong enough to withstand the required forces.


Ideally, vehicles should be loaded against the swan neck of a low loader or the headboard of a flatbed. This creates a physical barrier to movement besides the lashing system.


Chocks or lateral timbers can also help to prevent movement.


In addition to the four lashings wheeled heavy plant will need to have at least either two wheels chocked or timbers placed in front of one set of wheels.


When using chocks or timbers these also need to be secured to the load bed.


Booms, jibs, buckets, grabs and other components should be separately secured to the transporting vehicle with one or more lashing.


Do not rely on hydraulic pressure or any other form of stored energy to prevent movement.


There’s very specific guidance on securing plant vehicles in the DfT code of practice. You should bear in mind the rules contained in the Construction and Use Regulations about the maximum dimensions when any equipment is extended to the front or rear of the vehicle.



The Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986 (


Scrap metal


Scrap metal, including scrap cars, should be transported with care. It’s a high-density load and may contain sharp edges that can cut through webbing lashings.


It’s recommended that you use chain lashings for this type of load.


The friction between the load and the vehicle load bed is likely to be very low so it’s important to use an adequate number of lashings.


12. Drinks industry


Kegs and barrels should be secured to:

  • prevent them moving while the vehicle is in motion

  • reduce the risk of them falling out of the vehicle during unloading


This is very important for kerbside deliveries to smaller premises where pedestrians are at risk of being hit.


Lashing loads to multi-drop kerbside delivery sites may put the driver at more risk. Other restraint methods should be used if possible.


You should transport small and/or breakable items in stillages if no other method can be used.



load securing for the brewing and drinks industry (


7.13 Scaffolding equipment


Scaffolding equipment will comprise of poles, boards and ancillary equipment, and is often transported on flatbed vehicles.


Scaffolding equipment should be loaded so that it does not move relative to the vehicle under normal driving conditions.


Fold-up sides and a rear gate or sail can:

  • help to prevent load movement

  • allow equipment to be transported without lashings as long as the load is not stacked higher than the sides


The load should be placed in contact with the headboard if possible. If a gap is left, an intermediate bulkhead (which can be constructed from scaffold boards), blocking or dunnage can be used to prevent movement, or lashings can be used over the load.


Groups of poles should be ‘belly wrapped’ and secured to prevent movement during the journey.


7.14 Round timber


Round timber is normally carried on a skeleton type trailers with goal posts. This is allowed as long as the goal posts are in good condition and are secure.


As a minimum, each pair of goal posts should be accompanied by over-the-top lashing, either straps or chains, from chassis to chassis.




7.15 Steel, machinery and plant


Chains are used for heavy loads like steel, machinery and plant equipment.


Steel is a high-density, high-risk load. The consequences of load shift can be extremely serious.


Movement of the load endangers:

  • the driver - if the load slides forward during the journey or shifts sideways and causes the driver to lose control of his vehicle

  • other road users and pedestrians - if the load shifts sideways or slides backwards and falls off the vehicle

  • unloading personnel - if the load has become unstable during the journey and collapses during unloading


It is very important to load steel so that they are stable on the vehicle without relying on lashings. This may mean using chocks or blocking to make sure the load is stable.


Even though steel is heavy, do not rely on the weight of the load alone to hold it in place.


The friction between individual items in the load, and between the load and the load bed, can be very low - particularly for painted or coated products and cold rolled products.


If the vehicle is loaded in an uncovered area, wet or icy weather conditions can also reduce the positive effect of friction.


Loading against the headboard


Steel should be loaded so that it is against the headboard of the vehicle if possible.


Loading to the headboard also means that the:

  • headboard can be considered part of the load securing system

  • minimum number of lashings needed will be less than for a load loaded away from the headboard


The headboard should be strong enough to prevent the load moving.


If the load comes through the headboard it will go into the driver’s cab, the headboard is critical in protecting the driver.


For the same reason, the load should not be loaded above the height of the headboard unless precautions have been taken to stop it sliding forward.


Securing with chain lashings


The load should be secured with chain lashings when it’s loaded.


It’s very important to make sure that all parts of the load are secured. Building the load into a ‘pyramid’ shape can help to:

  • make sure that the lashings are in contact with the whole load

  • stop individual items sliding or toppling


Belly-wrapping is particularly useful in securing bundled products.


Chain lashings are very effective in restraining steel and are not damaged by sharp edges like webbing lashings. If any webbing is used, it should be protected from any sharp edges by using either:

  • webbing sleeves

  • edge protectors on the load


Side posts or side boards help to protect both other road users and unloading personnel. They’re a useful way of making sure the load does not endanger anyone if the lashing system fails for any reason.


Unloading steel


Steel can be unloaded by fork lift truck or by crane.


Avoid anyone standing on the load bed during unloading. If this cannot be avoided, you need to think carefully about:

  • where they should stand

  • communication with the fork lift truck driver or crane operator

  • whether they need fall arrest equipment



Tata Steel template with guidance ( 





Recommended links: (Excellent!)

Load securing: vehicle operator guidance - GOV.UK ( (Excellent!)

Safety of loads on vehicles: code of practice ( (Excellent!)

Cargo securing for road transport - Publications Office of the EU ( (Excellent!)




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